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Just like a Human, Dog's can suffer with ache's, strains, pulled and tight muscles. Unfortunately, they cannot tell us directly that they are in pain or discomfort. We can help your best friend, by recognising the signs and create a treatment plan (if required) to suit your Dog's needs to aid in recovery.


By working with your Veterinary Surgeons' consent, we can ensure the best care possible by applying a number of Massage techniques that may sooth the damaged area, to help your Dog maintain a better lifestyle and greater wellbeing.


Clinical Canine Massage is a natural non-invasive therapy that can help to rehabilitate soft tissue and muscular injuries commonly seen as Lameness and Stiffness and also help to support Orthopedic conditions such as Arthritis and Hip Dysplasia.

What is Clinical Canine Massage?

This unique, strong, manipulative Clinical Massage for Dogs works by releasing tight, sore muscles, removing debilitating ‘Knots’ or Trigger Points that cause referred pain and helps rehabilitate injuries by breaking down restrictive scar tissue caused by daily activities that may be responsible for your dog’s discomfort.


It can help to resolve many day-to-day mobility issues whether they have suddenly come on or have been there for a while. Getting your dog therapeutically treated by a Member of the Canine Massage Guild is a must for any dog owner concerned with their dog’s mobility and health. It can help give you answers for what you are seeing with your dog and importantly then do something about it with an hour of hands-on therapy.


We aim to give your dog results in just 1-3 sessions.

It’s also a natural form of pain relief that can help to resolve soft tissue or muscular problems and helps support orthopaedic issues like Arthritis and Hip Dysplasia. with tangible results.


Just see our testimonials!

What Our Clients Say


Rachel from Sudbury


"Buster is more mobile and moves with much more ease after his massages. He genuinely seems brighter and more positive straight after and the next day".


Nicola from Suffolk


"Holly has changed so much. We first noticed a change when she used the stairs, she was less awkward, and her feet were more coordinated. She has gone from ‘lolloping’ to running. When she is on her walks, she is leaving our sides to investigate further away and enjoying herself more. Her body seems to be longer and less hunched. This, in turn, has made her a happier dog. Simply amazing"!


Melanie from Pentlow


Adding massage to Bernard’s routine has made incremental improvements in his movement, exactly as I hoped. His rear end engagement is better and the degradation in between sessions is noticeably less. The muscle improvement is allowing his strength training to be more effective so giving an overall long-term benefit.

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